St. James at Sag Bridge is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is the oldest church in northern Illinois, originally constructed in 1852. The program called for the restoration of original historic elements and upgrading of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems including a new air conditioning system. Accurate restoration of interior and exterior materials, including stone, wood, and plaster, are central to the character of the project. The program includes stripping and refinishing of wood flooring, pews, and woodwork. New woodwork is designed to match the existing elements. Old wedding photographs were researched for the design of the altars and reredos. Historically accurate stencilling reflects the color of the restored stained glass windows.
Year: Phase I, 1988
Location: Lemont, Illinois
Area: 6,000 square feet
Key Features
listed on the National Register of Historic Places
restored according to The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Restoration
choir loft